The world of Dedicated IP addresses can get quite confusing for the average user; most VPN providers offer shared IPs only, but some providers offer you the option to buy your own IP; there are a few to choose from, DC IPs, Residential IPs, Static IPs and Streaming IPs; not sure of the terminology? We will try to help you understand. A Dedicated IP should be a single IP address that only you will use (in most cases) – it’s a great idea if you want to browse the web “cleanly” without the hassles of captcha, stream your favourite shows more efficiently or secure access to servers and web applications.
However, several IP address-type add-ons VPN providers offer might get even more confusing in how they name or describe them. We will try to differentiate each IP type and explain the differences and recommended use cases before we get to the Dedicated IP lingo on VPN provider websites.
IP addresses are one of the fundamental building blocks of the internet but could pose a potential security liability if an attacker were to get ahold of yours hence why you should use a VPN. An IP address is a long string of numbers assigned to every device connected to a network that uses Internet Protocol as the medium for communication; it’s the digital world’s equivalent of the mailing address associated with your home or workplace.
We must first explain the IP types – each IP type can affect your online experience depending on the use case; if you use the IP mainly for security and accessing servers or applications through a firewall, then any IP type will work for you. Each IP type carries the same security as others. There is no difference from a security perspective.
Datacenter IP (DC IP):
You may have heard the term DC IP on various websites; this basically means the IP address is owned by a web hosting provider whose business is renting servers, providing cloud services or regular web hosting. All hosting companies are assigned an ASN number, a short number that identifies a specific provider and all IPs they own, kinda like a business licence. To block that provider, you block the ASN.
All VPN providers rent servers from hosting companies operating within a data centre hence the term DC IP. These IPs are usually classified as “risky” and can be blocked immediately because they are owned by a hosting company, even if the IP has never been used.
This type of IP is ideal for:
- General Security/Browsing
- Firewall Whitelisting
- Securing access to servers or applications.
Not recommended for:
- Streaming
- Gambling
- Shopping
- Banking
Residential IP (RES IP):
Residential IPs are IPs we typically see assigned to us in our homes by our ISP; these IPs usually are far more expensive than the “DC IP” purely for the fact they are far more expensive to obtain for the provider and are usually never blocked unless the IP is a known proxy, tor relay or has been abused by a VPN user in the past. It’s essential to be sure with the provider that the IP you have been assigned is a “fresh” IP.
These IPs are generally classed as “safe” IPs that 9/10 work for all online services. It’s difficult for providers to tell the difference between a regular home user to a VPN user when using a Residential IP. These IPs are regularly targeted by fraudsters, so it’s best to be sure your IP has not been used before you. If it’s a “recycled IP”, it then carries more risk.
This type of IP is ideal for:
- Streaming
- Online Shopping
- Gambling
- Gaming
- Avoiding Captcha
Business IP:
Similar to residential but mainly for business use – the similarity to residential is that they are assigned by the same IP. Still, the IP class is for business use, and in today’s VPN and Proxy era, it is classed as a riskier IP than pure residential. The reason is the IP block assigned to the business is generally listed as the IP owner under ISP or ORGANIZATION when doing IP checks through online IP checking sites.
This allows various IP scraping/checking services to class this IP as a VPN/Proxy IP or “Hosting/DC IP”. Once it starts filtering through such services, they are eventually picked up by mainstream streaming services or gambling sites, which start filtering them as bad IPs.
When buying a Residential IP, you must be sure you get what you pay for and not a business IP – we recommend you ask the provider this specific question. If you buy a business-type IP and notice the VPN provider’s name as the organisation or ISP, we recommend you demand an IP change or a refund due to false advertising.
This type of IP is ideal for the below activities but may be less effective due to the business IP type:
- Streaming
- Online Shopping
- Gambling
- Gaming
- Avoiding Captcha
Like there are different types of IP addresses, there are different types of Dedicated IP addons – each serving different purposes. We will list common jargon used by various VPN providers.
Dedicated IP:
If you see this option offered by a VPN provider, it would generally mean you will be assigned a single IP in a location of your choice; this IP should be used by you and you only. You need to ask your VPN provider if this IP is “fresh”, meaning has it been used prior? This is essential as if the IP had been used recently, it’s not “fresh” and could be blocked and known to online services. If the VPN provider doesn’t specifically mention it, you need to ask what type of IP you are receiving. Is it a DC IP or Residential IP?
Static IP:
When you see this term on a VPN provider’s website, it usually just means you will use the same IP; it will not change – these IPs are typically shared and not dedicated to you. It would be best to clarify this with your VPN provider first; your internet experience can be affected depending on whether it’s shared or not.
Streaming IP:
This IP is self-explanatory – it’s an IP Dedicated to you to view streaming-based services. The IP is typically in a single location that supports specific services. The IP type is usually residential and may be more expensive than others.
Residential IP:
As the IP type explains, this IP should be a dedicated IP assigned to you and to you only but from a residential provider – it will generally be much more expensive than any other IP type. Just remember that some providers sell business-type IPs as residential ones; they are NOT the same, and you should be entitled to a FULL refund due to false advertising.
If you have any questions regarding dedicated IPs before you buy – feel free to contact us, and we will help you the best we can.