Setting up a VPN connection using the native macOS VPN clients is fairly easy and straight forward – you will be up and running in a few short steps.
Select the Apple logo and then System Settings.

Within System Settings, locate the Network section and on the right click on the menu with three dots –> Add VPN Configuration –> IKEv2

Enter the details from your VPN provider or from the VPN server you created using our guide.
Display name: Anything you like.
Server Address: Hostname from your VPN provider or your own VPN server.
Remote ID: Obtained from your VPN provider or if using our guide use your VPN server hostname.
User Authentication: Username
Username: Your VPN provider username.
Password: Your VPN provider password.
Now click Create.
(Note that a new section will appear on the sidebar named VPN directly under the network section.)

Now simply click on the button to the right of your newly created VPN profile and it will move to the right and indicate the VPN is connected.

No visit and make sure your IP has changed to one of your VPN provider or to your own VPN server.

2 comments On How to set up IKEv2 VPN connection on macOS
How do you get the connection to persist? That is, how do you prevent dropouts?
Hi David, some providers offer on-demand profiles such as – which do keep there connection extremely well compared to others. Some may saturate the servers with many users – with, they offer a 10 to 1 connection ratio.