This guide assumes you have full root access to your MySQL installation via the command line, which is needed to run these commands. It’s a straightforward task and will help you manage your users via the command line.
To set up FreeRADIUS with MySQL, please refer to this guide here
Adding a username to ‘radcheck’ the FreeRADIUS user table:
First, connect to your MySQL instance:
mysql -uroot -p
Switch to the radius database you added per our FreeRADIUS guide:
use radius;
Now let’s add a user to the user table “radcheck”:
INSERT INTO radcheck (id, username, attribute, op, value) VALUES (1,'vpnextra','User-Password',':=','test123');
Using the above command, you are adding a user with the below credentials:
Username: vpnextra
Password: test123
Be sure to change the username and password before running the command.
You can double-check that this data was added successfully by running the below command:
SELECT * FROM radcheck;
This will display all data currently in the radcheck table and should output something like the below:
MariaDB [radius]> SELECT * FROM radcheck;
| id | username | attribute | op | value |
| 8 | vpnextra | User-Password | := | test123 |
Removing a user account from ‘radcheck’ the FreeRADIUS user table:
Removing a user from the FreeRADIUS database is just as easy – use the command below to delete the user by the username:
delete from radcheck where username = 'vpnextra'
Now the username should be removed from the radcheck table; you can double-check by running the below command:
SELECT * FROM radcheck;
This will display all data currently in the radcheck table from which you can verify the data has been removed.
Add Simultaneous-Use Session Limit to FreeRADIUS User:
Assuming you have enabled simultaneous-use checking from our FreeRADIUS installation guide, you can add a session limit for each user using a simple command.
The below command adds a session limit of 6 for the username ‘vpnextra’:
INSERT INTO radcheck (username,attribute,value,op) VALUES ('vpnextra','Simultaneous-Use','6',':=');
This restricts the user from having more than six active sessions open simultaneously.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.